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Educational Requirements for :Mama: They Don’t Make Them Like They Use To


(Written by Josie S. Bailey) 
[Personal story] 

ELA, Middle school – Reading/literacy standards related to Recalling key details; Understanding theme; Characterization; Plot Development; Plot structure and setting; analyzing the Narrator and point of view; Use of Metaphors and Symbols. Writing, speaking, Listening standards when used in conjunction with Josie’s teacher writing/discussion guides – Standards related to Writing about/discussing your opinion about the story; participate in collaborative conversations; Confirm understanding of information presented orally.

ELA, High School - Reading/literacy standards related to Recalling key details; Characterization; Theme; Types of stories or literature; Plot Structure and development; Understanding point of view of narrator, characters and listeners; Understanding of words and concepts, including figurative, connotative and other meanings. Writing, speaking Listening standards when used in conjunction with Josie’s Teacher writing/discussion guides – Standards related to Analyzing a point of view of cultural experience reflected in a work; Writing an opinion about a story; Writing a narrative to develop imagined experiences or events based on the story; Confirming understanding of information presented orally.